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Donald Trump’s Hype girl plows through the Democratic debate’s on a tractor.

Donald Trump’s Hype girl plows through the Democratic debate’s on a tractor

Tana Goertz, Trump’s secret weapon, joined AM Tampa Bay to give a recap of last night’s democratic presidential primary debate of January 2020.

https://www.spreaker.com/user/9808913/tana-goertz-01-15-2020 Spreaker

Host: Hey, we’ve got Tana Goertz, joins us right now, the Women for Trump. Were you on hand for the Democrat debates, last night?
Tina Goertz: Hi. I sure was. It was quite an exciting evening here, in Des Moines, Iowa. It was very interesting.
Host: Who did you feel was the winner in the thing?
Tina Goertz: Donald Trump. [Laughs]
Host: [Laughs]
Tina Goertz: Yeah. I had a whole group of Trump supporters. We were down, flying a patriot… Or, we were actually on a patriotic tractor, going all across the university.
Donald Trump won the show because he was flying a massive banner, throughout the day, at 10 am until the candidates arrived, just toting the “Trump Fights for Iowa Farmers.” He stole the show because he was flying circles around the Democrats, before they even arrived. It was quite a spectacle, but I definitely think that most of the candidates up on stage were a big yawn. Donald Trump won the show, in my opinion.
Host: What’s going on between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren? There’s some bad blood there.
Tina Goertz: [Laughs] Those two are so hilarious. I mean, personally, I was sitting there, saying, “Just keep talking. Bernie, you’re helping us so much. Keep going.” And then, when Elizabeth was talking about a woman, I was like, “Keep going. We already proved that a woman isn’t going to be the president, if Donald Trump is running. Hilary, she learned that lesson. Come on, Elizabeth.” Those two were quite a spectacle.
At the end of the day, we’re not worried about any of those candidates up there. None of them are tough enough. Actually, all of them, combined, are not tough enough to take down Donald Trump because this is a man that never quits.
Like I said to somebody who asked me… Who went out? Cory Booker got out of the race, which I didn’t even know he was still in it.
Host: [Laughs]
Tina Goertz: They said, “What do you think about that? He quit.” I go, “Hey, you can’t fail, if you don’t quit.”
Host: [Laughs] How true.
Tina Goertz: [Laughs]
Host: Incidentally, there was some speculation, some time ago, that Pence may get out of the race in 2020 and that the president, that President Trump, in order to put a little variety in his campaign there, might make somebody like Nikki Haley or another woman Republican a vice-presidential candidate and, ultimately, the vice president.
Tina Goertz: So, I will tell you what. I don’t know anything about that, but I do know Donald Trump. I’ve known him and his family for over 15 years, on a personal level.
This is not a job, for me, and I actually never wanted to be in politics. I thought it was a crazy profession. This just sort of happened, when I met the family on his show, The Apprentice. I got to know and love the family, and know and love President Trump; back then, Donald.
He is the most loyal man you’ll ever meet, to a fault, actually, which I love because I’m that way. He will never (03:36/audio cut-out) Vice President Mike Pence. Mike Pence is a great man, a man of wonderful character. There’s not a thing, I’m sure, that he’s doing that President Trump wouldn’t like, disapprove of. So, I don’t believe… I would bet $100,000 that won’t happen. [Laughs]
Host: [Laughs] Okay.
Tina Goertz: He’s a very loyal man, President Trump, and he would never do that to Mike Pence.
Host: Tell us about the bus tour going on, right now. That seems like an interesting cast of characters.
Tina Goertz: Oh, well, first off, they are lovely ladies. Bus tour is gonna be exciting. It’s an Iowa bus tour, Women for Trump. We’ve got Lara Trump, Mercedes Schlapp and Kayleigh McEnany (04:19/crosstalk)
Host: We have Kayleigh, by the way. Sorry to interrupt. We have Kayleigh on the show, every other week, and she’s actually a Tampa native. So, we love Kayleigh McEnany.
Tina Goertz: Oh, yes. She’s so wonderful. All of these ladies are wonderful. I have to say and I will say this, when I introduce them, that these are some of the hardest-working women and mothers that I know.
It’s one thing to be a working woman because that’s so easy. When you throw being a mother into the mix… Because, I know. I have two adult children. It’s really a different game, when you’re a mother, out there, busting it and hustling, every single day.
So, the hardest-working mothers and women that know, with the exception of Ivanka Trump. She is just unbelievable. That’s who I’d pick for first female president, but that’s another subject for, probably, another show.
Host: [Laughs]

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