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Goertz energizes crowd, says Republican Party of Iowa betrayed President Trump

Iowa’s own Tana Goertz addressed the crowd of 350-plus in Arnold’s Park on Thursday night as part of an event with Sidney Powell. Goertz provided background and insight into President Donald J. Trump and detailed how the Republican Party of Iowa turned its back on Trump.

“This is what a patriotic event looks like,” she said. “Red, white and blue. Flags. Hats. Smiles. Money to afford to come to these events — not looking for the handout, right, like so many liberals are looking for a handout. We seem to give our hand to help others.”

“We’re in the fight of our lives,” she said. “Let me tell you a little bit about me and my relationship with the greatest president in my life.”

In 2005, Goertz applied to be Donald Trump’s show to learn from America’s business icon.

“I wanted to get in that boardroom. I wanted to bring all of those tips for success back and use them in my presentations,” she said. “Little did I know I was going to be the runner-up. Forty-one million people watched me for 18 weeks and the world got to know me, which was phenomenal. Donald Trump gave me the break.”

Over 18 weeks, she said she learned a lot about who he is as a father, a husband, a grandfather, a mentor, supporter of business owners, women and many things.

When Trump decided to run for president, she said her life changed forever. He called and told her he needed to win Iowa if he wanted to win the presidency. And he wanted her to sell him to the people of Iowa.

It worked out.

Goertz said she has stories about how the Republican Party of Iowa obstructed her and hurt Trump.

“They never believed in that man,” she said. “I learned the profession of politics is dirty. And I learned it’s mean. And I learned that good people don’t win. Good people don’t get accolades. I learned a lot. But what I’ve learned is right here in this state, a lot of people got in his way. A lot of people got in my way. I don’t lose at what I do, nor does Donald Trump. But the Republican Party of Iowa did a lot not to help us, but to almost encourage a loss.

“Not on my watch. Not on my watch. So I got the names, I got the numbers and I told Trump exactly who the players were. Donald Trump isn’t very happy with a lot of people in the state of Iowa as I stand here and speak.”

Goertz said she called Trump the night before he left office to let him know she loved him.

“I didn’t like the man, I loved the man. The man changed my life forever,” she said. “The man was loyal to me. The man promoted me, elevated me, empowered me, encouraged me and demanded anything that I needed him to do.

Goertz said she found out Trump was “very, very heartbroken.”

“He was the Republican Party cash cow,” she said.

But the party was not loyal to him, she said.

“They treated him like dirt,” she said. “And Mike Pence betrayed our great president. Donald Trump was not happy about that. He had a chance to make it all good and to say ‘thank you for putting me on the map. Thank you for making me VP for the greatest of all presidents.’”

Goertz is now on a mission to encourage people to do more.

“Are you going to be the quarterback on the sofa, or are you going to do something,” she asked.

She then talked about State Sen. Jim Carlin’s decision to run for the Senate seat currently held by Chuch Grassley. Goertz said that Carlin won her vote with his story earlier in the night.

She encouraged the crowd to tell Carlin’s story to win people to his side. That’s what she did with stories about Donald Trump.

“I told all the Apprentice stories,” she said. “I told the story about how he helped a single mom. I told the story of how helped a guy who had a drinking problem. I told the story of how he reacted when somebody quit. I told stories to humanize him.”

Brave lions, she said, should be growing their pack. She asked if people are willing to put their job on the line for the country and for what is right.

“Most people aren’t,” she said.

She said those who sit around and watch the news and complain without doing anything about it are part of the problem.

“What I need you to do — I need you to get people out of office who don’t deserve to be there,” she said. “We have some Republicans that don’t deserve to be there, that Donald Trump is not happy with. They need to go. We need new leaders.”

She encouraged people to run fo office if they feel called in that direction.

“We have an America to save,” she said. “We can’t sit here and rest on our laurels that Donald Trump is going to come running in on a white horse to save our lives because I don’t know if that’s going to happen folks. So we need to find leaders like Jim (Carlin) and all the other wonderful people who are bold, fearless leaders to get up and do something about it.”

Goertz said there is nobody stronger on Earth than Trump.

“I do believe he was called for this position,” she said. “There is not a person who could wake up and take the amount of abuse that he took for the amount of time that he took that and walk the face of the Earth. The media was the enemy of all of us. They hated that man.”

But, when she was on Apprentice, she said many people would come to meet him and kiss his backside.

“I saw it with my own eyes,” she said. “I saw it actually in the state of Iowa. And then these people turned on him. They left him bleeding in the streets. They walked away from him. There are people in our state that said our election was fair, our election had integrity and that Joe Biden won. Are you out of your mind?”

Goertz said she went to the Trump rallies and the crowds were “ginormous.”

“There’s no way you’re telling me that Joe Biden won this election,” Goertz said. “But guess what? Joni (Ernst) went on The View and said that it was fair. She went on The View to defend Joe Biden when Donald Trump came to Iowa to help her for her campaign.

“Talk about a kick in the shin. Don’t think for one second Donald Trump forgets. Don’t you think for one second he forgets.”

Goertz said seeing how Trump was betrayed, hurt and persecuted was eye-opening. She knows people lost friends and family — some lost jobs — for supporting President Trump.

“We need to support one another,” she said. “So, we lost all of that, but what did we gain? We gained a tribe. We’re all like-minded, so we all could be new best friends to be quite honest with you. Our tribe has grown to be phenomenal. And so, embrace one another, love one another, support one another and please stop with the division.

“We’re the United States of America, so let’s get back to being united. And we are also God-loving people and in God we do trust.”

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