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Tana Goertz is an American business woman, inspirational speaker, business consultant and author with a record of proven results. Tana’s business acumen has saved her clients in excess of $600 million USD. Tana became a household name and a TV personality when she was the runner-up on both NBC hit shows, “The Apprentice” & “Reality Stars Fear Factor.” Tana showed the world watching that Fear was NOT a Factor for her.

Tana was one of the first hires on the Donald J. Trump for President campaign in 2015 where she served as Donald Trump’s original HYPE girl as well as being a national TV spokesperson and senior advisor to him.  She played a critical role as one of the key strategists for most of the battleground states.  Due to her winning record and HUGE win in Iowa she was re-hired for her leadership, trusted advisory and forward-thinking tactics as part of President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign. Donald Trump won Iowa, the nation’s most important battleground state by the largest margin since Ronald Reagan in 2016 and again in 2020.  

Tana quickly left the political campaign arena thrilled to resume her career as a professional speaker and youth mentor.  She’s back on stage helping others attract success in their personal and professional lives. Her most popular presentations are “Rewriting the Political Playbook”, “The Business BluePrint for Winning”, and “The Art of Being Unforgettable”. Participants return to work “Fired-Up” and see significant improvements in their jobs, projects, and their personal lives after they hear her speak.  As a personal friend and loyal adviser to the President for almost two decades, President Donald Trump said, “Tana is truly a star – she has that rare combination of laid-back charm and razor sharp execution she doesn’t put up with nonsense. Tana combines a ‘can-do’ attitude, spirit, and energy with vision and execution to propel individuals beyond their current limitations.”

Tana travels the country inspiring patriots that the time is NOW to get LOUD & proud to be an American.  Tana lives in Iowa with her husband.


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