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Mask Choice For Kids

Mask Choice 4 Kids mission is to give children and parents the CHOICE to wear masks OR not to wear masks in school. It started as a small group of strong-willed young adults and now has grown into a movement. The founder could have never expected or could have predicted its growth. There has been national interest in having Mask Choice 4 Kids chapters in many of the U.S, states. Because of its growth, Mask Choice 4 Kids knew its limitations and needed someone who had project management experience in both marketing and branding. A volunteer with Mask Choice 4 Kids had recently met Tana Goertz when she was in town for a grassroots event and told her about the project. Tana wanted to help immediately. She offered to be their spokesperson.

This was a perfect transfer of power from an idea Jacob had to an executor like Tana who’s brand is all about empowerment, confidence, and being unique. Tana went on the today show 16 years ago with her inspirational self-help children’s book where she teaches the youth to be strong to have a will that can’t be broken and to dare to be different.

Tana Goertz states, “Mask Choice 4 Kids understands that when people, like us, cause a peaceful disruption we may not be for everyone and that’s OK we just want to provide a positive resource for the strong, independent thinker who wants to have the choice and freedom to do what’s right for their body. We are proud to be that resource and sounding board for so many of the youth despite the long term negative emotional and social impacts that can leave lasting damage.”

The Star has yet again proven to be fake news by only publishing one side of the story and not reaching out to Tana Goertz, Mask Choice 4 Kids spokesperson.

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