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Tana Goertz: Iowans deserve representatives who are serious about serving their constituents

The Democrat impeachment train is already losing steam — according to recent opinion polls, voters in key battleground states are rejecting the ongoing witch hunt against their President.

A recent survey covered by Politico, for instance, reveals that voters in important House swing districts are strongly opposed to impeaching Donald Trump, and would prefer that Congress focus on the real issues facing our country.

The poll revealed that a whopping 63 percent of voters in Democrat-held districts that President Trump won in 2016 agree that Congressional Democrats “are too obsessed with impeaching the President and should be working on issues they campaign on such as funding our military, improving the nation’s infrastructure, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, and caring for our nation’s veterans.”

Even with the current divisiveness on Capitol Hill, there are genuine prospects for passing meaningful legislation on all those issues over the course of the next year. Unfortunately, the Democrats have chosen to pursue impeachment instead.

Regrettably for Iowa, two of our very own representatives in Washington are also being driven by this partisan obsession to abandon their promises to voters and embrace the obstructionist Democrat agenda — U.S. Representatives Abby Finkenauer and Cindy Axne.

When these freshmen lawmakers were desperate to get your votes, they adopted a moderate political platform, pledging to stay out of the sleazy partisan games that are dividing our country.

“I’m an Iowa Democrat before any of that,” Rep. Finkenauer told USA Today in August, adding that she doesn’t “fit into a mold” of a typical politician. The mainstream media even contrasted Finkenauer with radical New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, arguing that Finkenauer “demonstrates the more moderate sect that is often at odds with Ocasio-Cortez’s progressive wing.”

“Two women in their twenties were just elected to Congress,” BuzzFeed News wrote last year, also referring to Ocasio-Cortez and Finkenauer. “Their differences define the Democratic Party’s divide.”

As we now know, the press was a bit too eager to rush to conclusions — and Finkenauer was less than entirely honest about her own political beliefs.

Instead of flexing her independence by calling for circumspection or caution, Finkenauer blindly endorsed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s baseless “impeachment inquiry.” To make matters worse, Rep. Finkenauer released a statement condemning Donald Trump before she even had a chance to read the transcript of his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Clearly, she was more eager to toe the party line on impeachment, even without knowing all the facts, than to serve as the voice of moderation that her constituents thought they were voting for.

So much for avoiding partisan games!

Like Finkenauer, Rep. Axne also campaigned on the issues, promising to serve the people of Iowa and fight for their interests. “[The voters] want to see people who know how to solve problems and have experience in doing that,” she said on the campaign trail last year.

But despite that appealing rhetoric, Axne also chose to meekly go along with the Democrats who are pushing for impeachment, likewise endorsing Pelosi’s “inquiry” before actually seeing the transcript of the President’s call.

If these so-called “moderate” lawmakers are truly committed to keeping their promises, it’s time for them to demonstrate that commitment by raising legitimate questions about their party’s impeachment obsession — such as whether it’s worth sidelining the most important work waiting for action from Congress.

Iowans deserve representatives who are serious about serving their constituents — not partisans who are completely beholden to their radical obstructionist bosses in Washington.

Original Article here https://caffeinatedthoughts.com/2019/10/by-jumping-on-the-impeachment-bandwagon-moderate-democrats-betray-constituents/ 

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